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All rights reserved Polymer S.A. 2012 |
Our experience of over 50 years in the development of plastic packings has permitted us to acquire a unique sensitivity to attend the needs of our clients. Thanks to our total focus to service and quality, added to our infrastructure and technology, we have become the preferred ally of the clients we attend. We are true believers that service is not an act, but rather a habit.
Research, innovation, and our opening to new tendencies, has permitted us to maintain the dynamic required to offer an ample range of products in a market that is each day more changing and demanding.
We know perfectly well the importance of developing all our activities in a balanced environment, generating value through productive synergies and linkage, in order to grow in a sustainable form in harmony with society and the environment.
We specialize in developing flexible packings’ solutions, amalgamating design, efficiency, and quality in a final product that complies with the expectations and needs of our client.
We merge in concrete solutions the technical and functional needs that the product requires, together with the marketing and productive needs of our clients. We understand we are a critical link in the chain of supply, due to which reason we give importance to quality, compliance with commitments, and the understanding of the changing needs of our clients. We assist with all developments of our clients, and if we do not do so, we manage it; it is part of our service.
We invite you to become part of our totally new and different purchasing experience, where it is essential to satisfy you.
Our presence in the field for all these years has permitted us to develop an unequalled comprehension of the needs of a market with many variables and a high level of demand.
Harvest time, climate variations, the urgency of processing a product that should be exported, a last-minute promotion are some of the elements that have permitted us to build a service structure that permits us to attend in real time the needs that escape any projection.
Connoisseurs of the continuous development of the agricultural sector, we have devoted ourselves to constantly investigate in order to provide our clients width an answer for each use. Please let us know your need and let us be part of the solution.
Being present in your homes for over 30 years had been one of our most important achievements.
To be part of our parties, of your picnics, and any other activity where simplifying your life is of utmost importance, has been the motivation to be always innovating and improving our disposable products.
The quality and the resistance of our products have characterized us in the market since we believe in the importance of respecting consumers and strengthening the brands we produce.
Our commitment of using recycled materials, of lessening thickness, and of using additives that help us in the accelerated degradation of plastics, are some of the struggles with which we work constantly in order to collaborate in the preservation of the environment.
We are convinced that research and development are pillars in the growth of all our business and of the industry in general. The present environment requires constant and permanent innovation in order to maintain competitiveness.
This is why we count with a department with engineers specialized in the development of rigid and flexile packings, which making use of production’s technological resources and of our labs, generate high value proposals taking into account economic, environmental, functional, commercial, and aesthetic elements.
We are committed to seeking and creating new alternative that may provide integral solutions to the needs of our clients and the needs of the market.
Competence is the motor of development and innovation, which is reflected in the rapid technological evolution of our industry. Besides, in Polymer we have understood that today, more than ever, we must have an offer competitive in price, quality, and service, measured in global terms. Therefore, we are the company devoted to the conversion of plastics that has most invested in the last 5 years in the region in infrastructure and technology.
We have the most highly technified equipment in the region, among which we can highlight film co-extrusion equipment with gravimetric dosing system and automatic thickness control, printers with online defect inspection system and self-registration, systems of post-printing digital review, lamination equipment with solvent-based adhesive and without solvent for food packaging, precision cutting equipment, as well as a wide range of servo-motorized conversion equipment of the latest generation, among others.
Throughout the years we have managed to understand that the concept of “sustainability” is so transcendental that it has become a type of internal umbrella for our objectives and actions. In Polymer the three pillars of sustainability (environment, economy, and society) converge to help us mold our identity.
In environmental control we work to contribute to society with actions and programs addressed to the provision of packings designed, produced, delivered, consumed, and recycled with environmental responsibility. For example, in Polymer we recycle over 3500 tons of plastic that are used in our productive process. Our research and development is focused on packings of less thickness and greater resistance to reduce the ecological footprint. As part of our commitment we can proudly share that we are certified under the ISO 14001:2015 norm.
The objective in the economic dimension is to maintain a competitive company that manages to manufacture products and offer quality services, at market prices. We understand that to be able to subsist we must be balanced in our offers in order to achieve the maxim that without profitability, there is no sustainability. We maintain our quality management department in continuous improvement within the demands of the ISO 9001:2015 norm.
Finally, in the social aspect, we believe in collaborating with the development of our environment, beginning with the defense of strong and ethical values in all our actions and in offering exceptional labor conditions in compensation, occupational health and professional development. We value our long-term and benefit relationships for the parties, due to which reason we have understood that our suppliers and clients are not only part of our chain of provisions, but also are part of our social chain.
Focused on the above, we work so that our sustainable development model may generate riches, integration with society and a responsible management of the natural resources that surround us.
Exchange: (506) 2436-7000
Customer Service Costa Rica: 800-POLYMER (7659637)
Fax: (506) 2436-7100
Industrial Division:
Agricultural Division:
Research and Development:
General Consultations:
Work Offers:
Costa Rica, Alajuela, El Coyol, Parque Empresarial Nova Park, 2 kilometers East of RTV.